When most people think about hiring a personal chef, they think about it as something only famous people like celebrities do. You should know that for most of these people, they don’t hire a chef to be decadent or glamorous. They do it because it serves a purpose and if you stop to think about it, you’ll realize that you aren’t any different when it comes to the demands on your time, desire to eat healthy, and other situations where the solution is to hire a personal chef.
Instead of thinking that having a personal chef is an extravagance, think of it as being no different than hiring someone to walk your dog, clean the house, or provide landscaping services. When you factor in everything that a personal chef does – meal planning, grocery shopping, and preparing the meals – you’ll realize that they save you a ton of time, making the investment a wise one.
There has been an upsurge in meal delivery services these days because of the time savings and being able to eat healthier without all the work that goes into planning, shopping, and meal preparation. The problem with these services is the environmental implications. These meal kits use large quantities of packaging, resulting in a veritable sea of plastic and Styrofoam. When you hire a personal chef, that is not the case and your meals will be far more customized to your preferences than even the most accommodating online meal prep service.
Here at Purple’s Side of the Table, we understand that it might seem frivolous at first to hire a personal chef. However, we are confident that once you have seen what we have to offer, you’ll realize that the benefits are enormous, and you can actually save money in the long run. Whether you call us for weekly meal prep or to cook for a special event, you can be confident of an exceptional experience that has been customized to your needs. Call today to learn more about why hiring Chef Purple is a great idea!